Cold Water: Saturday 16th November 2019

“unequivocable saves”

Saturday 16th November 2019

I got the bug and returned early on Saturday morning for another cold water dip. The water temperature had dropped to around seven degrees. I joined the swimmers who had already taken the plunge. For many this isn’t about covering loads of distance or swimming fast. The sociable element is more important. I watched some of the swimmers chatting as they swam before getting in myself. I wanted to swim for longer than I had on Wednesday, I managed over twenty five minutes and then got myself out. I made a quick dash across the floor to their wood fire heated sauna. It was nice chatting to with the other swimmers who were also warming up after their swim. I spent a good while chatting and enjoying the moment. It was time for me to get myself dry and throw some clothes on. 

Kate, my swim mentor, and I sat chatting about some of her plans for the future and how she wanted to develop the sport. Kate and her partner Rory, have given so much of their time to help others over the years. I’m lucky to have her to bounce ideas off.

It was time for me to dash off, I had a busy day. Next up was a drive up to Hereford for the annual *CASEVAC AGM. 

*The CASEVAC Club is built on the age-old military principle of mutual support.  From day one in basic training you are taught to look after those you are fighting with and for in every aspect of life.  From hard-earned experience, this doesn’t change through combat injury. On the ground your life is saved by those around you; you are keptalive; you are given a new chance at life by those around you. 

During rehabilitation, you are given motivation and inspiration, drive and determination by those around you.  They push you forwards and urge you to do more, to give more.  This doesn’t change after leaving the services. These same people continually drive you on through all that life has to throw, and provide advice and guidance based on their own solutions to life’s post injury problems.  The CASEVAC Club is simply a vehicle through which we can continue this support into the long term -looking after each other as servicemen and women have always done. 

The CASEVAC Club logo contains the latin phrase “haud dubium salvet”.  This translates to “unequivocable saves” – recognition of the fact that the vast majority of the CASEVAC Club should be dead, and it is, undeniably, a result of the world-leading medical attention we received on the ground and in field hospitals that we are alive today. 


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